Die Seite der Ausgräber / Page of the excavators
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Jeder Teilnehmer ist herzlich dazu eingeladen !
Every participant is heartly invited !


Wendy und Jürgen Moenig sandten ihre Bilder aus Kanada:
Wendy and Jürgen Moenig sent their pictures from Canada:



Bilder von http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~raven/
Pictures from http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~raven/


Diana and Amanda cleaning the surface of the main wall.

Gordie and the stylin' cigar-smoking man.
Drinking teams at Fellingshausen=15 year olds Bernd, with his usual compliment of coffee, cigarettes, and butter.
Caroline finding a small iron piece. Dan really likes his beer. *Smooch*
Dennis is the German Opera Man. Beer in Germany is very good.
A view from within the woods. Beer makes Ezra a dancing fool.
Ezra & Diana sample the fine local brew. Apples for horsies.
Apfelwein & beer at sunset. Having beers on the porch.